How Period Pants Could Change Your Life

How Period Pants Could Change Your Life

If you spend your life counting down to your period and dreading it clashing with an important event, period pants could help to change your life. For many women, having a heavy period or irregular periods that are difficult to predict makes life more challenging than it needs to be.

As well as dealing with the inconvenience of worrying about period protection, women are often experiencing PMS symptoms such as period pains, bloated stomach and backache.  Then there are also the hormonal changes that can trigger mood swings and depression – it is an unpleasant monthly ordeal for many.

There are very few women who manage to have a period where they suffer no PMS symptoms or who experience minimal inconvenience during their period, which is why there are so many products and medical solutions available to help make periods easier, such as period pants.


What are period pants?

Period pants have been designed to relieve many of the biggest concerns women have with their periods. The pants look almost identical to standard underwear and are available in different fashionable styles, but the gusset has been designed to absorb varying levels of menstrual flow.

They can be used in addition to sanitary products such as tampons to provide an extra level of protection and to avoid unexpected leaks, or they can be used as the sole form of period protection. They are made with an antibacterial layer that removes odour and once you have benefitted from their protection for a day or night, you wash them the same way you would wash your regular underwear.


Main benefits of using period pants

There are so many excellent benefits of wearing period pants that will make your period much easier to manage, such as:

  • No unexpected leaks as the menstrual flow are fully absorbed even for heavy flow.
  • Some designs are more comfortable on bloated stomachs than standard underwear.
  • They are sustainable and help reduce the 28,000 tonnes of sanitary product waste in the UK each year.
  • You can save money by not buying disposable sanitary products each month.
  • Get a better night’s sleep without worrying about whether you will leak.
  • Greater confidence throughout your period with fewer period worries.


Why choose Imaara period products

Imaara underwear is designed to provide everything you need from period underwear; comfort, style and high absorbency. You can choose between five different attractive styles, a range of colours and the absorbency levels you need for a hassle-free period.

Whichever style of knicker you prefer, you will find your perfect period pants at Imaara and you will discover a world where your period doesn’t stop you from having fun or feeling confident.

Shop at Imaara and see how big a difference period pants can make in your life.

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